Absurdities (Poem, story and video)

The poem is one of those birthed during my final year in the university. It was born out of deep emotions, of which chief fronters included confusion, anger, pain... 

As at when I wrote it, I was greatly disturbed by a particular incident. It wracked the whole of my being, and made sure to come up at any point I seemed less busy. Hence, once opportunity presented itself at my place of work in an idle moment, I tried processing my thoughts through writing things exactly the way they came. By the time I was done putting down different words in various forms and styles on the A4 paper that formed my writing pad, I had a stretch of about five pages of poem I didn't think many people would be interested in seeing. I mean, Gen-z doesn't appear to be much of the reading type, lol. 

But I really wanted the poem seen, and heard. I wanted every atom of emotion I invested in it felt by everyone who comes across it. Thus, it became that the only way to do this, if I seriously yearned for it, was to make a video/audio or anything at all that could project vividly the things I needed to be there. However, I couldn't do anything then because there were more pressing things to do, like making money for T-fare to school so I can write my final year exams? (Yeah, life sucks like that).

Actually, until this poem, I didn't know I could feature in the oral poetry category (lol). But, well, like I said in my "Nsukka my Home" post, creative writing is a mystery, and I, as its humble follower will always gladly follow to wherever it leads. 

By the way, A shout out to my dearest friend and musician, Truth (Uche), whose contribution to the beauty of this performance cannot be overemphasized. She, it is, who came up with the wonderful beat that accompanied this performance. Uche, I am grateful for the gift of your friendship. For friends like you, I get up every morning determined to survive against all odds. You know, Uche's support of me is so strong that most times, she ends up being my first reader. Yes, like in this present poem, she had read it first and I remember that when I asked if she found it interesting, she had said, "No, it's cruelly truthful." (Uche is usually blunt that way, and I like her more like that, because why else is her pen name "Truth" if she isn't going to live up to it?)

I think she is right though. The main essence of the poem had quite been, and remains to unsettle calm waters so the content beneath can come up. Aye, it is to navigate those plains people for whatever reason would rather shy away from threading.  

Nonetheless, I sincerely hope you enjoy this rendition. But if like my friend, Truth, you find the poem "cruelly truthful," or maybe too be difficult to swallow, you can simply enjoy other things. I mean, my voice! Isn't it soothing? (winks**). You can enjoy that at least. (More winks*****).

Click here to watch the video: 


Anonymous said…
A beautiful piece!

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