
Showing posts from May 28, 2024

Absurdities (Poem, story and video)

The poem is one of those birthed during my final year in the university. It was born out of deep emotions, of which chief fronters included confusion, anger, pain...  As at when I wrote it, I was greatly disturbed by a particular incident. It wracked the whole of my being, and made sure to come up at any point I seemed less busy. Hence, once opportunity presented itself at my place of work in an idle moment, I tried processing my thoughts through writing things exactly the way they came. By the time I was done putting down different words in various forms and styles on the A4 paper that formed my writing pad, I had a stretch of about five pages of poem I didn't think many people would be interested in seeing. I mean, Gen-z doesn't appear to be much of the reading type, lol.  But I really wanted the poem seen, and heard. I wanted every atom of emotion I invested in it felt by everyone who comes across it. Thus, it became that the only way to do this, if I seriously yearned for i